Catalogue of Branded Artwork Templates
Convert your static artwork into easily editable online templates. Make templates available to staff, distributors or partners. Allow users to customise the images and text to tailor artwork to their needs, while automatically adhering to brand guidelines. Produce any type of artwork including:
Posters, leaflets and flyers
Proposals and business documents
Social media graphics or digital displays
Banners and point of sale materials
Business Stationery

Editing Tools for Non-Designers
You control how users can adapt artwork templates. Images, text areas and even layouts can be made editable.
Offer a library of brand approved images or allow users to upload and crop their own. Image resolution and cropping tools ensure uploaded images meet required criteria for pdf or print production.
Text Areas
Offer free text entry or restrict users to selecting pre-defined content. Text can dynamically reduce in size if areas overflow while remaining consistent with the remainder of the artwork.
Layouts and Pages
Allow choices such as offers or features to add or remove pages and automatically update contents pages. It is even possible to specify the size of artwork for advertising templates.

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Try It NowGranular Approval Chains
Create and manage user groups to control which users can access which templates. Watermarks and pdf restrictions stop unauthorised use of artwork until it has been agreed.
Use approvals processes to restrict which artwork can be autogenerated and which artwork requires central sign-off. Create approvals chains where more than one staff member needs to approve artwork before it is created or printed.

Branded Site on any Device
Your ROI360 portal is branded specifically to your organisation with relevant colours and logos.
Automatically responsive, the site can be operated on any device.
Use the ROI360 API to integrate the artwork creation system to your intranet, CRM or other internal systems.

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Try It NowBudgeting, Payments and Printers
Allow users to download high resolution artwork or link with a print provider to automatically send specific jobs to be professionally printed. You can even use ROI360 to procure merchandising items and handle other internal fulfilment requirements.
Introduce budget control to automatically prevent users spending more than a desired allowance. Integration with Sagepay can allow credit card payments to be taken for items.

Security and Access Control
ROI360’s SaaS artwork creation technology is hosted in a tier 1 hosting centre with off-site redundancy and undergoes regular rigorous penetration testing. Daily backups make sure even if the worst happens your data is safe.